How to embed widget on Framer


  • Active VideoQi account
  • Framer paid subscription (required for embedding)

Step 1: Get Your VideoQi Embed Code

Sign in to your VideoQi account and pen the Widget you want to embed.

Share button

Click the Share Button in the top-right corner of the navigation Copy the personalized embed script that appears


Step 2: Access Your Framer Project

  1. Log in to your Framer account
  2. Select the project you want to modify
  3. Navigate to the page where you want the VideoQi widget to appear

Step 3: Add the Embed Code

  1. Click the three-dot menu button for the selected page
  2. Select “Settings” from the dropdown menu
  3. Scroll down to the “Custom Code” section
  4. Paste your VideoQi embed script into the “End of <head> tag” field
  5. Click “Save”

Step 4: You’re All Set!

Your VideoQi widget is now embedded and ready to use on your Framer site.